Created in 2010, the SIBIC is aimed to promote the study and conservation of native fishes of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula
Created in 2010, the SIBIC is aimed to promote the study and conservation of native fishes of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula
Learn more about the specific objectives of the SIBIC and the type of activities we carry out. For its coordination, it has a Governing Board with representatives from all over the Iberian Peninsula.
Membership is open to anyone who shares the purposes of SIBIC. Becoming a member is easy and affordable, it also has additional advantages as discounts in congresses. Companies and institutions also are welcome as corporate members or sponsors.
Fishes in Mediterranean Environments is an international scientific journal edited by SIBIC
FiSHMED is an electronic, fully open-access, peer reviewed scientific journal aimed at promoting communication and discussion among ichthyologists that work in Mediterranean-climate areas. The journal publishes manuscripts related to any aspect of fish biology, ecology, behaviour and conservation in Mediterranean-climate environments.
7 months ago
7 months ago
Invasive Species vs. Native Fish: The Fragile Future of Portugal's Freshwater Fish
Come along as we explore the rivers of Portugal and shine a light on the challenges faced by its nat...7 months ago
2 Bolsas de Mestre - Peixes de Águas Dulciaquícolas - MARE
2 Bolsas de Investigação para Mestre no âmbito dos projetos “Contrato de Prestação de Serviç...8 months ago
8 months ago
Created in 2010, the Iberian Society of Ichthyology is aimed to promote the study and conservation of native fishes of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula
Follow us on social networks to keep informed about our activities and all the news about the conservation of Iberian fishes