Dear colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the VI Iberian Congress of Ichthyology would like to remind you that the mentioned congress will be held from 21st to 24th of June 2016, in Murcia (Spain) with the title ‘Ichthyology: dedication to marine fish, freshwater fish and aquaculture’.
We look forward to having you in this event, which will gather ichthyology researchers, conservationists and managers aiming at presenting and sharing the latest advances in the concerning topics.
The Congress program will include plenary conferences and parallel sessions covering the following topics: (1) Systematics, zoogeography and population genetics, (2) Toxicology, (3) Aquaculture and endocrinology, (4) Invasive alien fish, (5) Management in regulated rivers and reservoirs, (6) Population dynamics, migration and river connectivity, (7) Life cycles, ecology and conservation, (8) Management and conservation of marine and estuarine fishes, (9) Fisheries, (10) Marine priority conservation areas, (11) Biology, ecology and conservation of cartilaginous fishes.
We remind you that the official conference languages are Spanish, Portuguese and English.
The period for submission of abstracts is already open, and the deadline for their submission is the 15th of February 2016. Additionally, we would also like to remind you that the deadline for registration with early-bird fee is the 31st of March 2016, and that we will offer 12 fellowships that cover early registration fees for students and 5 fellowships for unemployed members.
On our website http://www.um.es/sibic6/ you will find all the information related to the congress program, registration proceeding, communications, sponsors and collaborators, as well as information related to location, accommodation, etc.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubt or comment.
Kind regards,
Mar Torralva Forero
President of the VI Iberian Congress of Ichthyology