What is SIBIC ?
The main objective of the Iberian Society of Ichthyology is to promote the study and conservation of native fishes of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula.
On 17th and 18th of December 2010 , a group of researchers and managers held the constituent meeting in Lleida in order to group around SIBIC the collective efforts of professionals working in the study and conservation of native fishes of the Iberian Peninsula.

Specific objectives
The conservation of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula and to spread the interest on native fish species that inhabit them.
Disseminate the knowledge on native fish species that inhabit the inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula and the factors that threaten the survival of their populations.
Contact and obtain representation in those organizations and institutions of public and/or private nature in the field of activity of the Association, establishing cooperation with them in order to favour the objectives of the Association.
Promote the participation of citizens in any kind of public and/or private initiative aimed to the dissemination of knowledge, protection, conservation and/or recovery of populations of native fishes from inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula or its habitats.
Promote and collaborate in national and/or international projects and other cooperation activities in the field of study and conservation of native fishes of inland and marine aquatic ecosystems of the Iberian Peninsula.
Promote the exchange of scientific knowledge on any aspect of the biology, ecology and threats of native inland and marine fishes.
Disseminate the knowledge on non-native fish species that threaten the survival of the Iberian native fish fauna, on the main pathways for its introduction and how to prevent their spread in the future.
Any other purpose aimed at the defense and greater efficiency of the Association, in order to provide a better service to citizens, consumers and users, using the means that allows the law.
Spread among the menbers the actions carried out by the Association.
Organization of conferences, symposia, congresses, exhibitions, meetings and all kinds of both scientific and educational activities related to the study and conservation of inland and marine fishes, promoting the exchange of knowledge between the different social sectors involved.
To sponsor publications (brochures, panels, journals, multimedia publications) or other scientific and/or informative activities to contribute to the dissemination of that knowledge in the society.
Contact the public authorities and private entities in defense of the conservation of native Iberian fishe of inland and marine ecosystems.
Participate in and advise on all the working groups of various administrative levels (local, provincial, regional, national, international, …) that may affect the conservation of freshwater fish.
Create commissions to maintain the necessary relations with the Administration bodies competent in environmental affairs in order to ensure the development of legislation relating to the conservation of native Iberian fishes of inland and marine ecosystems.
Promote and/or develop academic, scientific and technical training activities aimed at authorities, universities, research centers, NGOs, groups of fishermen and different professional sectors (farmers, engineers, etc.) related to the conservation of native inland and marine fishes and the management of non-natives.
Promote public outreach and awareness, preferably in collaboration with professionals of environmental education, aimed at education centers, local authorities or others.
Promote the creation of volunteer river monitoring (from existing local associations, educational and recreational facilities, etc.) and the restoration of rivers and seas (cleaning, etc.).
Attend to competitions that convene the different public administrations and other entities, national or foreign, for conducting scientific or conservation works.
Any other activity that, with respect to the legislation governing this kind of Associations and for the achievement of the objectives contained in the above article, may resolve its General Assembly or Board of Directors, within the powers granted to them by these statutes.