The Iberian Society of Ichthyology (SIBIC) together with the University of Murcia and the Segura River Basin Authority will celebrate the VI Iberian Congress of Ichthyology, which will be held at the Auditorium and Congress Centre Victor Villegas, in Murcia (Spain) in June 2016.
In this edition of the Congress, the title ‘Ichthyology: dedication to marine fish, freshwater fish and aquaculture’ has been selected because we are interested in widening the scope of action of SIBIC, and consequently making a big effort to attract participants from diverse fields of the study and management of fish. For that purpose, among the main objectives of the Congress, we have included the interest in gathering specialists working with fish from different perspectives and at different aquatic environments.
Fish are the most diverse taxon of Vertebrates, not only in shape or size, but also in biology and ecology. Its great evolutionary success is clearly reflected in the huge habitat diversity occupied by fish or in their significant variability of physiological, morphological and behavioural adaptations. Currently, this animal group is subjected to an enormous human pressure, which means a great challenge for their management and conservation. Besides, they represent a resource with an increasingly difficult sustainable management, due to the problems caused by climatic alterations, particularly affecting freshwater, estuarine and coastal ecosystems. In this context, aquaculture plays an important role, and research in this field provides and added value to ichthyology.
The topics included in the Congress are related to the interests of SIBIC, both in the study and assessment of Iberian fish species and in the development of basic and applied ichthyology in other regions of the world. We expect to receive contributions from specialists from around the world to promote the interchange of ideas, experiences and perspectives.
Scientific areas
- Systematics, zoogeography and population genetics
- Aquaculture, endocrinology and toxicology
- Invasive alien fish
- Migration, connectivity and regulated rivers
- Life cycles, ecology and conservation of freshwater fishes
- Life cycles, ecology and conservation of marine and estuarine fishes
- Fisheries
- Marine protected areas
Special sessions
- Dam removal is happening
- LIFE projects and fishes: platform meeting
- Challenges and opportunities in research of European eel
Mar Torralva Forero, Universidad de Murcia
Ana Sánchez Pérez, Universidad de Murcia
Ana Ruiz Navarro, Universidad de Murcia
Antonio Zamora López, Universidad de Murcia
Cristina González Muñoz, Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura
Eduardo Lafuente Sacristán, Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura
Fátima Amat Trigo, Universidad de Murcia
Filipe Martinho, Universidad de Coimbra
Francisco José Oliva Paterna, Universidad de Murcia
Frederic Casals Martí, Universidad de Lleida
Jaime Fraile Jiménez de Muñana, Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura
Jorge Sánchez Balibrea, Asociación de Naturalistas del Sureste
José Manuel Zamora Marín, Universidad de Murcia
Juan Francisco Asturiano, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Juan Madrigal de Torres, Oficina de Impulso Socioeconómico del Medio Ambiente-Consejería de Agricultura, Agua y Medio Ambiente de la Región de Murcia
Manuel Ramón García Garre, Becario del Museo Laboratorio Lousteau
Rosa Olivo del Amo, Typsa
Mar Torralva Forero, Universidad de Murcia
Alfonsa García Ayala, Universidad de Murcia
Amadora Rodríguez Ruiz, Universidad de Sevilla
Ana Almodóvar Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ana Verissimo, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Recursos Genéticos de Vairão (CIBIO)
Anabel Perdices, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Madrid-CSIC
Ángel Pérez Ruzafa, Universidad de Murcia
Benjamín García García, Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA)
Carlos Fernández Delgado, Universidad de Córdoba
Carlos Granado Lorencio, Universidad de Sevilla
Estíbaliz Díaz, AZTI-Tecnalia
Fernando Cobo Gradín, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Francisco Javier Sanz Ronda, Universidad de Palencia
Francisco José Oliva Paterna, Universidad de Murcia
Frederic Casals Martí, Universidad de Lleida
Filipe Martinho, Universidad de Coimbra
Filipe Ribeiro, Universidad de Lisboa
Javier Martínez López, Universidad de Murcia
José Antonio García Charton, Universidad de Murcia
Juan Faustino Martínez Fernández, Oficina de Impulso Socioeconómico del Medio Ambiente- Consejería de Agricultura, Agua y Medio Ambiente
Juan Francisco Asturiano Nemesio, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Lluis Zamora Hernández, Universidad de Girona
Mª Ángeles Esteban Abad, Universidad de Murcia
Miguel Clavero Pineda, Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC
Pedro Guerreiro, Universidad del Algarve
Rafael Miranda Ferreiro, Universidad de Navarra
Rita Vasconcelos, Universidad de Lisboa
Congress Centre Building. Opened in 2002, this building is an extension, with its own personality, of the services offered by the Auditorium. Conceived with the same versatile spirit, its design permits a better adaptability and functionality of its different rooms. More than 3000 m2 of architecture offer a number of spaces with special dimensions. Together with its complete technological equipment, its own and excellent restoration service and the experience of its professional staff, this building becomes the best choice for those who look for a unique space to celebrate fairs, exhibition events, business meetings or project presentations.
Auditorium Building. Almost 4000 m2 and one of the largest stages in the Spanish eastern region. Projected to accommodate two auditoriums and a number of rooms, it offers the services of a modern congress centre. Since its opening in 1995, it has continuously proven its existence and increased its prestige. With a versatile nature, a flexible and technological architecture and a central location in the city, this building is the ideal option for those looking for comfort, innovation and functionality in their meetings.